

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, 星期五 8:00am - 12:00pm

Apply for Hawkeye and External 奖学金

奖学金 are available to help you pay for educational expenses and, 不像学生贷款, 不需要偿还. 为什么不尽可能多地申请呢?

你获得的所有奖学金都需要向财政援助办公室报告 to be included in your financial aid award.


学生 need to apply for 靠谱买球app推荐奖学金 each semester. 只要每学期登录ScholarshipUniverse回答问题,就有资格获得靠谱买球app推荐奖学金.

申请截止日期* FAFSA截止日期** 注册的最后期限 授予
秋天奖 2025年2月20日 2025年1月15日 你一定是 已注册课程 在开学第一天之前. 优先考虑在学期开始前两周注册的学生. 3月
春天的奖项 2024年10月1日 2024年9月15日 12月

*靠谱买球app推荐奖学金申请必须在截止日期当天晚上11:59 CST前提交.

你需要这么做 每学年提交一份FAFSA. Filing the FAFSA can help you qualify for more scholarships.

Applying for Hawkeye and External 奖学金 with ScholarshipUniverse

ScholarshipUniverse 靠谱买球app推荐的奖学金匹配工具能把你和成千上万的奖学金机会联系起来吗. ScholarshipUniverse简化了寻找和申请靠谱买球app推荐奖学金和外部奖学金的过程. 申请奖学金.


登录ScholarshipUniverse 与你的 靠谱买球app推荐用户名和密码.

The first time you log in to ScholarshipUniverse, you will start answering questions to match you to scholarships right away. Every time you log in after the first time, you will be taken to your 指示板.

You do not have to be a current Hawkeye student to use ScholarshipUniverse, 但是你需要申请入学并被靠谱买球app推荐录取. If you have not already done so, complete the online 靠谱买球app推荐 application.


Screenshot of ScholarshipUniverse 指示板

Take a minute to familiarize yourself 与你的 ScholarshipUniverse 指示板. 在这里,你将看到你的奖学金机会和行动项目的概述,供你审查.


  • 配对奖学金即将届满: 通知你与即将到来的申请截止日期相匹配的奖学金. 点击Take Action按钮来应用.

  • 获奖回应: Notifies you when a scholarship requires a Thank You letter. Click the Take Action button to send your Thank You letter.

Questions — Get Matched to 奖学金 every term!

ScholarshipUniverse Questions菜单项ScholarshipUniverse根据你对自己问题的回答,为你匹配适合你的奖学金机会. When you match a new scholarship opportunity, 你会收到一封来自ScholarshipUniverse的电子邮件,通知你比赛的消息. 你回答的问题越多,你现在和将来可能匹配的奖学金就越多!

只需点击问题菜单项回答尽可能多的匹配问题和答案,你可以. Then click the Answer More Questions button to tell us more about yourself.

你被问到的第一个问题是确定你是否有资格获得靠谱买球app推荐奖学金. 一旦你回答了所有问题以确定你是否有资格获得靠谱买球app推荐奖学金, 你会被问到是否愿意继续回答问题,以便与奖学金相匹配, or browse the scholarships you already match to.

如果你对一个问题不确定, you can hover over the question mark icon, 位于问题末尾的, 获取更多帮助.


当你开始回答问题时,你会发现有些问题已经为你解答了. 你的一些信息会被靠谱买球app推荐直接上传到你的学生档案中. 此信息是准确和最新的,不能在ScholarshipUniverse中编辑.

To Continue to Be Considered for Future Term 奖学金

在ScholarshipUniverse中创建个人资料并首次申请指定学期的奖学金后, in order to be matched to new scholarships for the following term, 请遵循以下简单步骤:

  1. 登录ScholarshipUniverse and review your 指示板 for new scholarship opportunities.

  2. 点击“问题”菜单项更新之前回答的问题,并回答新的问题,以考虑更多的奖学金.

  3. 做完之后, 点击奖学金菜单项查看您可以申请的潜在奖学金.

  4. 如果您以前提交过申请,您可以选择重新提交相同的申请或添加新的/更新的信息.


Screenshot of ScholarshipUniverse 奖学金


要查看奖学金,您可能会在回答其他问题后匹配, click on Partial Matches from the 奖学金 web page.

靠谱买球app推荐奖学金 are offered each semester to deserving students on the basis of achievement, 注册优惠, and financial need as determined by your FAFSA application, 举几个例子. 获得靠谱买球app推荐奖学金, you must be 已注册课程 在开学第一天之前.

Local Outside 奖学金 will also be labeled with this icon.

外部奖学金 可能来自地方组织、州组织和国家组织. 所有外部奖学金在发布给学生申请之前都要经过审查,以确保它们是合法的.


  • 匹配: 与你匹配的奖学金列表.

  • 固定: List of scholarships you have previously pinned to your account.

  • 部分匹配: List of scholarships that you match with at least one requirement. 点击奖学金,看看你需要回答的具体问题,可能有资格获得奖学金. Click the edit icon to answer the additional questions.

  • 应用程序提交: List of scholarships for which you have applied.

  • 授予: List of scholarships you have been awarded.

  • Non-匹配: List of scholarships to which you do not match.

  • 不感兴趣: List of scholarships you have marked not being interesting in applying for.


ScholarshipUniverse根据你对自己问题的回答,不断为你匹配奖学金. When you match a new scholarship opportunity, 你会收到一封来自ScholarshipUniverse的电子邮件,通知你比赛的消息.

一旦你被匹配到, 开始, 或完成奖学金申请, the application will appear on the 应用程序 screen.


By completing the Hawkeye Scholarship application(s), 你将申请由靠谱买球app推荐基金会颁发的数十项奖学金. You will need to apply for 靠谱买球app推荐奖学金 each semester.

应用, 只要每学期登录ScholarshipUniverse回答问题,就有资格获得靠谱买球app推荐奖学金. 点击“问题”菜单项回答尽可能多的匹配问题和答案. Then click the Answer More Questions button to tell us more about yourself.

See 靠谱买球app推荐奖学金日期和截止日期 below for application, FAFSA, and course registration deadlines.


When applying for an external scholarship, 这时会出现一个提示,通知你离开ScholarshipUniverse网站,到第三方网站申请.

All external scholarships have been thoroughly vetted. Hawkeye has no affiliation with external scholarships.



  1. 单击Apply按钮.

  2. Review and verify eligibility for the scholarship.

  3. Select Edit to change any of your information.

  4. 验证您的信息是否正确, agree to provide any required documentation, 勾选“I Verify”复选框, 然后单击Continue.

  5. You can start your application, save it, and come back to finish it later. 你会在“正在进行中”选项卡下找到你已经开始的奖学金申请.

  6. Once all sections of the application have been completed, go through the application to review your information, 文章, 和文件, 然后点击提交. 一旦你提交了申请,你就不能回来对论文或文件进行编辑或修改.

What should I write in my personal statement?


  • 你的学业和职业目标
  • 学校及社区参与
  • Special recognitions or awards you have received
  • 你担任过的领导职务
  • 志愿者或课外活动
  • 激励你成功地克服障碍和挑战以继续学业的生活或教育经历

Do I need to 提交 a FAFSA to qualify for scholarships?

Filing a Free Application for Federal 学生 Aid (FAFSA) is not required to qualify for scholarships, but highly recommended.



  • 准备开始: Scholarship applications to which you have been matched.

  • 进展: Scholarship applications you have 开始, but have not yet 提交ted. 这些申请需要填写并提交申请奖学金.

  • 提交: Scholarship applications you have completed and 提交ted. These applications cannot be edited or changed.

It is possible to receive multiple scholarships. However, you may not receive aid that exceeds your cost of attendance.

靠谱买球app推荐奖学金 are awarded prior to registration opening. If you are awarded a scholarship based on credits, this will be verified prior to the start of the semester. 如果你不符合注册要求,你的奖学金将被取消.




  1. 点击“添加+”按钮.
  2. Enter the name of the new document in the “Field Name” text box. This name will be the display name for the document in ScholarshipUniverse.
  3. 选择“文档类型”.”
  4. Add the document by one of the following methods: upload, compose, or link URL.







靠谱买球app推荐中心 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020

关于你的奖学金被申请到你的学生账户的问题, 联系商务办公室.


靠谱买球app推荐中心 122

正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

If campus is closed, the 业务办公室 is also closed. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分